About Enemies of the skin
The skin is a highly organized first of defense that stretches up to 1.8㎡, skin is the biggest organ.Stress of the skin.
For example, factors such as pH, temperature, moisture, sebum level, oxidative stress, diet, resident immune cells, infectious exposure etc.
Conclusion "many!!"
Skin is always attacked, can not rest.
Skin also has several appendages (adena), such as nails, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles, which allow sensation, lubrication, and restriction of heat loss.Skin is not defensive effect but also sensory organ.
Biggest organ, many enemies, sensory organ.
It is prone to inflammation.
Result It causes itching.
What to do?
The skin has high turnover of cell.Important thing to use that effect.
Make time for skin to rest.
Skin care is suitable while sleeping.
While sleeping, there are few things that attack the skin such as ultraviolet rays, exhaust gas, and water.
While sleeping, less burdensome to skin.
You can not go to bed because itching.
Suppress itching at that time.
This is the first step in skin care.
Thank you for reading.
Citation Paper
More Than Skin Deep: Autophagy Is Vital for Skin Barrier FunctionAuthor : Payel Sil, Sing-Wai Wong, and Jennifer Martinez