Monday, February 18, 2019

Collagen effect?

We are Miyako-internal-medicine, itchy treatment in Japan.

I write what I studied about itchy.

This theme is collagen!!

What is collagen?

Collagen is substance in the skin, exactly in the dermis.

Skin structure, collagen introduce
Skin structure

Collagen decrease when human are older.

Softness and fresh skin will disappear.

So, cover with collagen supplement.

Really cover?

I researched about it.

Collagen effect

I write both effective paper and subtle effect paper.

At first, effective paper

An open-label multicenter study was conducted to investigate the effect of Pure Gold Collagen ingestion on aged skin. 
In total, 217 subjects in arm 1 completed the study. The volunteers were aged 23–69 years and all were Caucasians. All subjects had some photodamage and fine lines/wrinkles. One hundred and fifty-seven subjects had a medium or high distribution of fine lines and/or wrinkles (69 of these subjects agreed that their skin was wrinkled).

Easy summary

217 people drank "pure gold collagen". And it says that it has verified.

157 people had fine lines and wrinkles.

What was the result?

At the end of the study, the dermatologists noted that 109 of these 157 subjects (69%) had either visible or significant improvement in their facial lines (Figure 2A).
157 people had fine lines and wrinkles.

65% of people improved.

Just be careful.

This is not about collagen, about the effect of "pure gold collagen"

It can be said that collagen is effect.

The second, sbtle paper

In this experiment, women in their twenties took drinks containing collagen for 8 weeks, and various measurements were performed.
This experiment was an experiment conducted by a double blind method, and experiments were conducted to obtain objective results as much as possible. There was no significant difference in the moisture content of the skin between the collagen-ingested group and the control group at three time points at the start of the experiment, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks.
However, in the collagen-ingested group, the stratumumabsorption capacity increased statistically significantly after 8 weeks compared with the start of the experiment. Other measurements showed no significant difference, but from this result it is suggested that oral ingestion of collagen improves the moisture retention of the skin.
This is Japanese paper, I translate it into English. (Google Translation)

Easy summary

There was no significant difference in skin moisture content.

Water absorption function increased.

It can be said that collagen reached the skin.

My view

Both of them can not prove that collagen reaches the skin.

Both paper can not prove "Collagen that ate both of them reaches the skin".

So, it is effective for those who think that it is effective.

It is ineffective for those who think it is ineffective.

I think so.

Thank you for reading.

Citation Paper

Daily consumption of the collagen supplement Pure Gold Collagen® reduces visible signs of aging

Author: Maryam Borumand and Sara Sibilla


Author: Syohei Kasugai,

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Sleep and skin aging and itchy

A question to suffering from itching.

"What is trouble?"

Many people said "not sleeping".

It is painful not to sleep.

So, I studied the influence on the skin of luck of sleep.

Various mechanisms have been postulated linking sleep disturbances and eczema, including increases in markers of systemic inflammatory cytokines and T-cell activation. Interleukin-1 induced inflammation is increased in the nighttime which may play a role in enhancing nocturnal itching.

Easy to summarize

"Cytokine itching substances increase at night.

And T-cell and cytokines enhance eczema."

There was a reason to stronger itchy at night.

Of course, many other reasons.

You have something to do in the daytime.

Work, school, playing, etc.

Night have a lot of free time.

Once notice itch it will not be forget, and can not sleep.

What will happen to the skin if you do not sleep?

Poor sleep quality as ascertained by Pittsburgh sleep quality index >5 and sleep duration of ≤5 h was shown to be associated with increased signs of intrinsic aging and decreased skin barrier function when measured by transepidermal water loss.
The moisture of skin decreases and skin barrier function decreases.

Lack of sleep bad the skin.

The sleep deprived individuals were noted to have hanging eyelids, swollen eyes, darker circles and more droopy corners of the mouth.

It also looks bad.And feel bad too.

Lack of sleep is never good thing.

Itching does not give you sleep.

If you do not sleep you will get itchy cytokines.

The skin gets worse and itches.

This said "itch spiral".

"Itching treatment starts with sleep".

Thank you for reading.

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Citation Paper

Overview of Common Sleep Disorders and Intersection with Dermatologic Conditions

Author: Harneet K. Walia and Reena Mehra